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Prof. Naama Sabar Ben-Yehoshua

Since her retirement from Tel Aviv University, Prof. Naama Sabar Ben-Yehoshua has served as head of the Program for Jewish Culture and Teaching. She was one of the first researchers to recognize the contribution of qualitative research methods in Israeli education and fought for their recognition among research paradigms. She taught the first course at Tel Aviv University in "Naturalistic Research Methods", and later wrote the book "Quality Research in Teaching and Learning", published in 1990 (with six reprints). In 2001, she initiated the first international conference on qualitative research methods, at which she launched the advanced textbook she had edited: "Traditions and Trends in Qualitative Research", which was reprinted in 2016 into an expanded and updated edition published by the MOFET Institute.

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Prof. Sabar Ben-Yehoshua has published ten books in Hebrew, English and Portuguese, over 100 articles and chapters in books on refereed platforms, as well as dozens of articles for the general public. She has been a guest lecturer at leading universities in the United States, Europe, Australia and in many different cities in China. She was entrusted with the Chair of Jewish education at Tel Aviv University. In addition, she was awarded the Education Prize of the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality in 2005, and in 2008 she was awarded the Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Faculty of Education at the University of California, Davis. In 2012, at the Schechter Institute for Jewish Studies, she was awarded the Mark and Henia Liebhaber Prize for Religious Tolerance, which she won together with Rabbi Prof. David Hartman.


In collaboration with Dr. Rivi Frei Landau, Prof. Naama Sabar Ben-Yehoshua supervised three master's theses: Fayga Levitan (Ultra-Orthodox women's coping with pregnancy loss), Islam Abu-Moch (meaning reconstruction of Muslim parents who lost their son to homicide) and Hani Mirki (educators' coping with grieving children during the Covid-19 pandemic).

She has decided to step down from her position as head of the Program for Jewish Culture and Teaching in 2023 but will continue her joint research projects with Dr. Rivi Frei-Landau.

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